Caffeine (36 mg/8 fl.oz.) - equates to 54 mg/12 fl.oz.Potassium benzoate (preserves freshness).Calcium disodium EDTA (label claims "to protect flavor" however its purpose more accurately stated is to prevent benzene formation by chelating the metal ions present in water that can act as catalysts in the reaction between sodium benzoate and erythorbic acid) Meanwhile, studies have also raised concerns that diet soda including the alternatively-marketed zero-calorie soft drinks may raise the risk of heart disease and stroke.Caffeine (54 mg per 12 US fluid ounces (350 ml).It’s also worth noting that although aspartame is more commonly found in sugar-free versions, some non-diet drinks still contain it. If you consider it prudent to stay away from diet drinks, then you’ll want to stay away from this one. Many of the bigger brands' zero-sugar versions are sweetened with aspartame, the artificial sweetener that some studies have associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Sugar (replaced by High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in much of the United States) For example, Coca-cola original doesn’t use it, but Diet Coke and Coke Zero both contain aspartame likewise, Pepsi no longer contains aspartame, but Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max do. Contrastingly, Mountain Dew Zero Sugar is one of the most genuinely sweet artificially sweetened products I’ve ever tasted.